Questionnaire for Custom Card Orders
Type of Occasion: (Birthday, graduation, etc.)
Date of Occasion:
Card Recipient’s name and age:
Recipient’s address, phone and email (if applicable)
> Card Buyer’s name and address, phone and email:
How do you want the card signed?
Will you pick up (near San Diego) or have it mailed out?
Card “mail to” address:
Recipient’s background:
Where they grew up
Religious persuasion
Occupation/profession/vocation/career path:
Such as gardening, cooking, travel, pets, favorite books, music, fine & applied arts, sports,
antiques, theatre, unusual collections, politics, stocks, exercise, health, etc.
Self-Care, indulgences:
How does person take care of self: massage, body work, facial, gym, holistic work
Descriptions of recipient:
Hair color & style, glasses, height, etc.
Clothes: favorite styles, favorite colors
Single/married, family info: names and ages of kids, etc.
Idiosyncrasies, pet peeves, favorite expressions, foods:
Other notes:
– Thanks!
Questions? Give me a call at 619-440-1235